Compute This! is a call-in radio show that airs on several terrestrial radio stations.
You can also find it on Facebook and through a weekly podcast.
The show is performed live each Sunday between 7 and 8 AM from the home station, 1110 KFAB.
Thor Schrock takes live calls at 866-496-8772 from listeners across the country.
Thor answers questions about computer problems, technology issues, or Schrock Innovations’ array of products and services.
All of the episodes of Compute This! are available on iTunes. And, now you can watch the shows LivE on Facebook.
Thor has stories from the shortened holiday week, #Apple explains what "vintage" and "obsolete" means, and the first reviews of #CopilotPCs are in. Buy or avoid?
Today on the After #schrock Thor almost blows off an appendage and nearly kills Aimee from the Omaha Service Center, #BTC price drops as predicted, and could the #Election2024 get any more crazy?